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The Abalone Shell itself is magical! It is said to enhance feelings of peace, compassion & love. Abalone shells have a soothing vibration & hold the healing energy of the ocean. They promote deep emotional healing & are a gentle companion for survivors of traumatic experiences. Abalone shells calm the emotions, reduce stress levels & relax the body. They are said to heighten intuition & open one's psychic channels.

These beautiful shells are perfect for using when smudging, using Sage or incense or for holding your crystals.

Including abalone shells in your smudging rituals means you are incorporating all four of the earth’s elements: the shell represents water, the smoke represents air, the unlit herbs or sticks represent earth and once they’re lit they represent fire. By incorporating the elements into your smudging ritual, you’re inviting Mother Earth (or Mama Gaia) to be the focus of your ceremony. It is here, in the space created by Her, that transformations and manifestations have room to occur.

Abalone shell

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